CAM Convert & Archive Materials

How to Use the Makerspace's CAM Service

CAM is a service designed to meet the community's needs when it comes to the ever changing technology that can be used to preserve personal histories.  The types of materials we work with are: Visual (photos, negatives, and 35mm slides), Audio (33/45/78 rpm vinyl records and cassette tapes) and Video (VHS tapes, camcorder tapes, and 8 mm/Super 8 film).

The first hour costs $18.00 and each subsequent half hour costs $9.00.  The cost for each DVD burned is $5.00.  The cost for scanning slides and negatives is $1.00 per image.

The cost is free if you convert the materials yourself. You will need to be trained on the equipment first. 

To schedule a training appointment or to use our CAM services, contact Sarah French at 262-458-2785, or email her at